Saturday, November 22, 2008

Buenos Aires-day 19

Buenos, quite the city! The city with 12 million people is the 10th biggest in the world and has tons of culture. For lunch I ate BBQ and saw Tango dancing-2 staples in the city. I ended up walking about 80 blocks today, but it was well worth it since I saw a big chunk of the city.

San Telmo neighborhood- famous for the tango dancing

Pink House - President´s house, painted pink in the 1800s to unite the red and white politcal parties

English Tower- gift from England to celebrate the 100th year of independence


House of Congress

On the way I ran into an outdoor orchestra concert and even a paint party! My white shirt almost paid dearly. A student explained to me that the party is his school´s celebration for the end of high school as the students go onto the university.

Tonight some people at the hostel and I had drinks. We had the US, France, Australia, New Zealand, England, Denmark, and Brazil all represented. It was good for me that the only universal language was English.

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