Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Santiago-day 3

Today was the best day yet.

In the morning we went to finish calibrating the site at the Cosmic Rays Observatory. Then Kathryn and I went shopping were I picked up the usual for me, soccer jerseys! I got one from a team in southern chile and another in santiago.

In the afternoon, Marina convinced us to go on a bike ride. All of us were dead tired from the election the night before, but Kathryn and I decided to go while Thansios and Eftyhia went back to take a nap. The bike ride turned out to be absolutely amazing!!! We rode through downtown, along the river, and climbed a hill to see a breathtaking view of the city and Andes Mountains. It took us a slow climb of about a hour and a half, but it was well worth it. At the top it was incredibly peaceful in sharp contrast to the city.

you be the judge...

statue of virgin mary

the traditional Chilean drink we had at the top- cooked apricots, barley, and water-delicious!

Finally, to cap it all off we ate at a wonderful seafood restaurant. We had 2 bottles of Chilean white wine, equadorian shrimp (yay jen), mussels, and greek salad for apetizers. I had a king fish filet for dinner and Creme Brulee for dessert. wow!

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